Use Weight and mass Calculator to convert between different weight and mass measurement units.
Following is weight and mass conversion chart based on the SI unit grams :
Unit and Converted Value |
1 avograms = 1e-18 grams |
1 centals = 4535.92 grams |
1 centigrams = 0.01 grams |
1 chaldrons = 2500 grams |
1 cloves = 0.00101 grams |
1 criths = 0.000033 grams |
1 daltons = 1.6605390666e-27 grams |
1 decigrams = 0.1 grams |
1 decitonnes = 10 grams |
1 dekagrams = 10 grams |
1 dekatonnes = 1000 grams |
1 drachmes = 0.0017718451953125 grams |
1 drams = 0.0017718451953125 grams |
1 dynes = 0.00001 grams |
1 electrons = 9.10938356e-31 grams |
1 electronvolts = 1.60218e-19 grams |
1 exagrams = 1.00000e+18 grams |
1 femtograms = 1e-15 grams |
1 flasks = 135 grams |
1 gammas = 1e-9 grams |
1 gigagrams = 1.00000e+9 grams |
1 gigatonnes = 1.00000e+12 grams |
1 grains = 0.0000648 grams |
1 groses = 275 grams |
1 hectograms = 100 grams |
1 hyls = 0.0017 grams |
1 jupiters = 1.89800e+27 grams |
1 kilodaltons = 1000 grams |
1 kilograms = 1000 grams |
1 kilograms_force = 9806.65 grams |
1 kilos = 1000 grams |
1 kilotonnes = 1.00000e+6 grams |
1 kips = 4448.22 grams |
1 long_tons = 1016.05 grams |
1 megadaltons = 1.00000e+6 grams |
1 megagrams = 1.00000e+6 grams |
Unit and Converted Value |
1 megatonnes = 1.00e+9 grams |
1 mercantile_pounds = 453.59237 grams |
1 metric_tons = 1.00e+3 grams |
1 micrograms = 0.000001 grams |
1 mics = 0.000001 grams |
1 millers = 0.0012 grams |
1 millidaltons = 1.6605390666e-30 grams |
1 milligrams = 0.001 grams |
1 millimass_units = 0.001 grams |
1 myriagrams = 1.00e+4 grams |
1 nanograms = 1e-9 grams |
1 newtons = 1 grams |
1 ounces = 28.3495 grams |
1 ounces_force = 0.278 grams |
1 petagrams = 1.00e+15 grams |
1 picograms = 1e-12 grams |
1 points = 0.00028 grams |
1 pounds = 453.592 grams |
1 pounds_force = 4.44822 grams |
1 quarterns = 12.5 grams |
1 quarterns_loaf = 1.2 grams |
1 rebahs = 0.000446 grams |
1 short_tons = 907.18474 grams |
1 slinches = 0.0025 grams |
1 slugs = 14.5939 grams |
1 stones = 6.35029 grams |
1 teragrams = 1.00e+12 grams |
1 tods = 240 grams |
1 troy_ounces = 31.1035 grams |
1 troy_pounds = 373.2417 grams |
1 trusses = 300 grams |
1 yoctograms = 1e-24 grams |
1 yottagrams = 1.00e+24 grams |
1 zeptograms = 1e-21 grams |
1 zettagrams = 1.00e+21 grams |
Weight and mass are two fundamental concepts in physics, often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant regardless of location. It is measured in kilograms (kg), grams (g), or other units of mass. Weight, on the other hand, is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and can change depending on the gravitational field. Weight is measured in newtons (N) or pounds (lb).
In summary, mass and weight play essential roles in daily life, from determining the quantity of materials we use to ensuring the safety of structures, calculating health indicators, and even planning space missions. Understanding both concepts allows us to navigate and manipulate the physical world around us effectively.