Luminous intensity - Measurement Units, Conversion Chart and Calculator

Luminous intensity Conversion Calculator

Use Luminous intensity Calculator to convert between different luminous intensity measurement units.


Luminous intensity Conversion Chart

Following is luminous intensity conversion chart based on the SI unit candela :

Unit and Converted Value
1 attocandela = 1e-18 candela
1 centicandela = 0.01 candela
1 decacandela = 10 candela
1 decicandela = 0.1 candela
1 exacandela = 1.00000e+18 candela
1 femtocandela = 1e-15 candela
1 gigacandela = 1.00000e+9 candela
1 hectocandela = 100 candela
1 kilocandela = 1000 candela
1 megacandela = 1.00000e+6 candela
Unit and Converted Value
1 microcandela = 0.000001 candela
1 millicandela = 0.001 candela
1 nanocandela = 1e-9 candela
1 petacandela = 1.00e+15 candela
1 picocandela = 1e-12 candela
1 teracandela = 1.00e+12 candela
1 yoctocandela = 1e-24 candela
1 yottacandela = 1.00e+24 candela
1 zeptocandela = 1e-21 candela
1 zettacandela = 1.00e+21 candela

What is Luminous Intensity?

Luminous intensity is a measure of the perceived power of light emitted by a source in a particular direction. It is measured in candelas (cd) and plays a key role in lighting design and optical systems. Luminous intensity helps determine how bright a light source appears to the human eye, particularly in terms of directionality.

How Luminous Intensity Units Are Useful in Real Life:

  • Lighting Design: Luminous intensity is used in the design of lighting systems for buildings, streets, and outdoor spaces to ensure appropriate brightness and visibility for safety and comfort.
  • Automotive Lighting: The headlights and tail lights of vehicles are designed using luminous intensity measurements to ensure proper visibility while driving at night and in low-light conditions.
  • Photography and Cinematography: In photography and film, the intensity of light is crucial for proper exposure and achieving the desired effect. Luminous intensity helps photographers and filmmakers control the lighting for their shots.
  • Projectors and Displays: Projectors and display screens, such as those in theaters or on televisions, rely on luminous intensity to ensure the image is bright enough for audiences to see clearly, regardless of the surrounding lighting conditions.
  • Optical Instruments: Luminous intensity is essential in the calibration and operation of optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes, where the intensity of light affects the clarity and visibility of objects being observed.

In summary, luminous intensity, measured in candelas, is critical for determining the brightness and directionality of light sources. It plays an important role in lighting design, automotive safety, photography, and optical devices, helping to improve visibility and clarity in various applications.
