Bit (b) a Data Storage Measurement Unit and Conversion Chart

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Q. What is a Bit ?

Bit is multiple of the data unit bit .

Q. How much is 1 Bit data?

1 Bit or 1 b is 1.00E+00 times bit.

Symbol : b

So 1 bit = 1.00E+00 bits.

Example Conversion : 629 bit = 1.00E+00 x 629 bits.

Or we can say, 629 b = 629 b.

Convert bit to other data storage units

Bit Conversion Table and Chart

Use this Bit Conversion Chart to compare 1 b with other data storage measurement units.

1 bit0.25 nibble
0.125 byte0.1 dabit
0.01 hbit0.001 kbit
0.0009765625 Kibit0.000125 KB
0.00012210012210012 KiB1.0E-6 Mbit
9.5238095238095E-7 Mibit1.25E-7 MB
1.19189511323E-7 MiB1.0E-9 Gbit
9.3457943925234E-10 Gibit1.25E-10 GB
1.1641443538999E-10 GiB1.0E-12 Tbit
9.0949604823967E-13 Tibit1.25E-13 TB
1.1363636363636E-13 TiB1.0E-15 Pbit
8.8817834621192E-16 Pibit1.25E-16 PB
1.1102229327649E-16 PiB1.0E-18 Ebit
8.6736286993026E-19 Eibit1.25E-19 EB
1.0842024119167E-19 EiB1.0E-21 Zbit
8.4703411006361E-22 Zibit1.25E-22 ZB
1.0587915165389E-22 ZiB1.0E-24 Ybit
8.2717775222718E-25 Yibit1.25E-25 YB
1.0339753975894E-25 YiB

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