Daltons is a unit of weight and mass measurement, where 1 daltons is equal to 1.6605390666e-27 grams. The symbol Da is used to represent it.
The following is a conversion chart to help you compare other units with daltons:
Unit | Conversion |
Avograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-9 Av |
Centals | 1 Da = 3.660864976895536e-31 cwt |
Centigrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999999e-25 cg |
Chaldrons | 1 Da = 6.6421562664e-31 ch |
Cloves | 1 Da = 1.6440980857425742e-24 clv |
Criths | 1 Da = 5.031936565454545e-23 cr |
Daltons | 1 Da = 1 Da |
Decigrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-26 dg |
Decitonnes | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999999e-28 dt |
Dekagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999999e-28 dag |
Dekatonnes | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-30 dkt |
Drachmes | 1 Da = 9.371806696166428e-25 dr |
Drams | 1 Da = 9.371806696166428e-25 dr |
Dynes | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-22 dyn |
Electrons | 1 Da = 1.82e+3 e |
Electronvolts | 1 Da = 1.0364247878515523e-8 eV |
Exagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-45 Eg |
Femtograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-12 fg |
Flasks | 1 Da = 1.2300289382222223e-29 flk |
Gammas | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-18 γ |
Gigagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-36 Gg |
Gigatonnes | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-39 Gt |
Grains | 1 Da = 2.5625602879629627e-23 gr |
Grams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-27 g |
Nanograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-18 ng |
Groses | 1 Da = 6.038323878545455e-30 gs |
Hectograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-29 hg |
Hyls | 1 Da = 9.767876862352941e-25 hyl |
Jupiters | 1 Da = 8.748888654373024e-55 J |
Kilodaltons | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-30 kDa |
Kilograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-30 kg |
Kilograms force | 1 Da = 1.6932786084952558e-31 kgf |
Kilos | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-30 kg |
Kilotonnes | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-33 kT |
Kips | 1 Da = 3.7330416809420394e-31 kip |
Long tons | 1 Da = 1.6343084165149355e-30 LT |
Megadaltons | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-33 MDa |
Megagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-33 Mg |
Megatonnes | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-36 Mt |
Mercantile pounds | 1 Da = 3.660861990690011e-30 mp |
Metric tons | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-30 t |
Micrograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-21 µg |
Mics | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-21 mc |
Millers | 1 Da = 1.3837825555000001e-24 mlr |
Millidaltons | 1 Da = 1.00e+3 mDa |
Milligrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-24 mg |
Millimass units | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-24 mmu |
Myriagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-31 Myg |
Newtons | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-27 N |
Ounces | 1 Da = 5.857383963032858e-29 oz |
Ounces force | 1 Da = 5.973162110071942e-27 ozf |
Petagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390665999998e-42 Pg |
Picograms | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-15 pg |
Points | 1 Da = 5.930496666428572e-24 pt |
Pounds | 1 Da = 3.660864976895536e-30 lb |
Pounds force | 1 Da = 3.73304168094204e-28 lbf |
Quarterns | 1 Da = 1.32843125328e-28 qt |
Quarterns loaf | 1 Da = 1.3837825555e-27 qtl |
Rebahs | 1 Da = 3.72318176367713e-24 rb |
Short tons | 1 Da = 1.8304309953450054e-30 t (short) |
Slinches | 1 Da = 6.6421562663999995e-25 sl |
Slugs | 1 Da = 1.137830920178979e-28 slg |
Stones | 1 Da = 2.614902731371323e-28 st |
Teragrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-39 Tg |
Tods | 1 Da = 6.9189127775e-30 td |
Troy ounces | 1 Da = 5.338753087594643e-29 ozt |
Troy pounds | 1 Da = 4.448964482264442e-30 lbt |
Trusses | 1 Da = 5.535130222e-30 trss |
Yoctograms | 1 Da = 0.0016605390666000002 yg |
Yottagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-51 Yg |
Zeptograms | 1 Da = 0.0000016605390666 zg |
Zettagrams | 1 Da = 1.6605390666e-48 Zg |