Nanoohms is a SI derived multiple of the resistance unit ohm often expressed using symbol nΩ.
The base unit for Nanoohm is ohm, where 1 nanoohm is equal to 0.000000001 ohms. The symbol for nanoohm is nΩ
Therefore, 1 nΩ = 0.000000001 Ω.
Convert nanoohm to other electrical resistance units using the following conversion calculator.
Following is a simple chart of other resistance units where 1 Nanoohm is equal to:
1 abohm | 1.0E-18 gigaohm |
1.0E-12 kiloohm | 1.0E-15 megaohm |
0.001 microohm | 1.0E-6 milliohm |
1 nanoohm | 1.0E-9 ohm |
1000 picoohm | 1.1126502773281E-21 statohm |
1.0E-21 teraohm |
Use the following list of links to quickly convert values from nanoohm to other commonly used resistance measurement units.