Use this TJ to GJ converter to convert energy values from terajoule to gigajoule where 1 terajoule is equal to 1000 gigajoules. Enter energy values to find how many gigajoules in terajoules .
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Swap Conversion : GJ to TJ | gigajoule to terajoule
Note : SI unit of Energy is joule.Symbol : terajoule - TJ , gigajoule - GJ
Value in gigajoules = 1000 * Value in terajoules .
in other words, A GJ = 1000 X B TJ
There are 1000 gigajoules in a terajoule i.e. 1 terajoule is equal to 1000 gigajoules. So if we are asked to convert terajoules to gigajoules we just have to multiply terajoules value with 1000.
Example : to convert 40 TJ to GJ
40 terajoules equals 40 X 1000 gigajoules i.e 40000 gigajoules.
terajoule to | gigajoule |
40 TJ | 40000 GJ |
60 TJ | 60000 GJ |
80 TJ | 80000 GJ |
100 TJ | 100000 GJ |
120 TJ | 120000 GJ |
140 TJ | 140000 GJ |
160 TJ | 160000 GJ |
180 TJ | 180000 GJ |
200 TJ | 200000 GJ |
220 TJ | 220000 GJ |
240 TJ | 240000 GJ |
260 TJ | 260000 GJ |
280 TJ | 280000 GJ |
300 TJ | 300000 GJ |
320 TJ | 320000 GJ |
340 TJ | 340000 GJ |
360 TJ | 360000 GJ |
380 TJ | 380000 GJ |
400 TJ | 400000 GJ |
420 TJ | 420000 GJ |
440 TJ | 440000 GJ |
460 TJ | 460000 GJ |
480 TJ | 480000 GJ |
500 TJ | 500000 GJ |
520 TJ | 520000 GJ |
terajoule to | gigajoule |
540 TJ | 540000 GJ |
560 TJ | 560000 GJ |
580 TJ | 580000 GJ |
600 TJ | 600000 GJ |
620 TJ | 620000 GJ |
640 TJ | 640000 GJ |
660 TJ | 660000 GJ |
680 TJ | 680000 GJ |
700 TJ | 700000 GJ |
720 TJ | 720000 GJ |
740 TJ | 740000 GJ |
760 TJ | 760000 GJ |
780 TJ | 780000 GJ |
800 TJ | 800000 GJ |
820 TJ | 820000 GJ |
840 TJ | 840000 GJ |
860 TJ | 860000 GJ |
880 TJ | 880000 GJ |
900 TJ | 900000 GJ |
920 TJ | 920000 GJ |
940 TJ | 940000 GJ |
960 TJ | 960000 GJ |
980 TJ | 980000 GJ |
1000 TJ | 1000000 GJ |
1020 TJ | 1020000 GJ |