Use this PJ to GJ converter to convert energy values from petajoule to gigajoule where 1 petajoule is equal to 1000000 gigajoules. Enter energy values to find how many gigajoules in petajoules .
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Swap Conversion : GJ to PJ | gigajoule to petajoule
Note : SI unit of Energy is joule.Symbol : petajoule - PJ , gigajoule - GJ
Value in gigajoules = 1000000 * Value in petajoules .
in other words, A GJ = 1000000 X B PJ
There are 1000000 gigajoules in a petajoule i.e. 1 petajoule is equal to 1000000 gigajoules. So if we are asked to convert petajoules to gigajoules we just have to multiply petajoules value with 1000000.
Example : to convert 24 PJ to GJ
24 petajoules equals 24 X 1000000 gigajoules i.e 24000000 gigajoules.
petajoule to | gigajoule |
24 PJ | 24000000 GJ |
36 PJ | 36000000 GJ |
48 PJ | 48000000 GJ |
60 PJ | 60000000 GJ |
72 PJ | 72000000 GJ |
84 PJ | 84000000 GJ |
96 PJ | 96000000 GJ |
108 PJ | 108000000 GJ |
120 PJ | 120000000 GJ |
132 PJ | 132000000 GJ |
144 PJ | 144000000 GJ |
156 PJ | 156000000 GJ |
168 PJ | 168000000 GJ |
180 PJ | 180000000 GJ |
192 PJ | 192000000 GJ |
204 PJ | 204000000 GJ |
216 PJ | 216000000 GJ |
228 PJ | 228000000 GJ |
240 PJ | 240000000 GJ |
252 PJ | 252000000 GJ |
264 PJ | 264000000 GJ |
276 PJ | 276000000 GJ |
288 PJ | 288000000 GJ |
300 PJ | 300000000 GJ |
312 PJ | 312000000 GJ |
petajoule to | gigajoule |
324 PJ | 324000000 GJ |
336 PJ | 336000000 GJ |
348 PJ | 348000000 GJ |
360 PJ | 360000000 GJ |
372 PJ | 372000000 GJ |
384 PJ | 384000000 GJ |
396 PJ | 396000000 GJ |
408 PJ | 408000000 GJ |
420 PJ | 420000000 GJ |
432 PJ | 432000000 GJ |
444 PJ | 444000000 GJ |
456 PJ | 456000000 GJ |
468 PJ | 468000000 GJ |
480 PJ | 480000000 GJ |
492 PJ | 492000000 GJ |
504 PJ | 504000000 GJ |
516 PJ | 516000000 GJ |
528 PJ | 528000000 GJ |
540 PJ | 540000000 GJ |
552 PJ | 552000000 GJ |
564 PJ | 564000000 GJ |
576 PJ | 576000000 GJ |
588 PJ | 588000000 GJ |
600 PJ | 600000000 GJ |
612 PJ | 612000000 GJ |