Gigajoules to Petajoules Conversion | GJ to PJ - Domainconverters

Domainconverters > Energy Unit Conversions > gigajoules conversion > GJ to PJ | gigajoule to petajoule conversion

Use this GJ to PJ converter to convert energy values from gigajoule to petajoule where 1 gigajoule is equal to 1.0E-6 petajoules. Enter energy values to find how many petajoules in gigajoules .

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Swap Conversion : PJ to GJ | petajoule to gigajoule

Note : SI unit of Energy is joule.

Symbol : gigajoule - GJ , petajoule - PJ

Gigajoules to Petajoules Conversion Formula

Value in petajoules = 1.0E-6 * Value in gigajoules .

in other words, A PJ = 1.0E-6 X B GJ

How to Convert Gigajoule to Petajoule.

There are 1.0E-6 petajoules in a gigajoule i.e. 1 gigajoule is equal to 1.0E-6 petajoules. So if we are asked to convert gigajoules to petajoules we just have to multiply gigajoules value with 1.0E-6.

Example : to convert 27 GJ to PJ

27 gigajoules equals 27 X 1.0E-6 petajoules i.e 2.7E-5 petajoules.

Gigajoules to Petajoules Conversion Chart & Table

gigajoule to petajoule
27 GJ 2.7E-5 PJ
40.5 GJ 4.05E-5 PJ
54 GJ 5.4E-5 PJ
67.5 GJ 6.75E-5 PJ
81 GJ 8.1E-5 PJ
94.5 GJ 9.45E-5 PJ
108 GJ 0.000108 PJ
121.5 GJ 0.0001215 PJ
135 GJ 0.000135 PJ
148.5 GJ 0.0001485 PJ
162 GJ 0.000162 PJ
175.5 GJ 0.0001755 PJ
189 GJ 0.000189 PJ
202.5 GJ 0.0002025 PJ
216 GJ 0.000216 PJ
229.5 GJ 0.0002295 PJ
243 GJ 0.000243 PJ
256.5 GJ 0.0002565 PJ
270 GJ 0.00027 PJ
283.5 GJ 0.0002835 PJ
297 GJ 0.000297 PJ
310.5 GJ 0.0003105 PJ
324 GJ 0.000324 PJ
337.5 GJ 0.0003375 PJ
351 GJ 0.000351 PJ
gigajoule to petajoule
364.5 GJ 0.0003645 PJ
378 GJ 0.000378 PJ
391.5 GJ 0.0003915 PJ
405 GJ 0.000405 PJ
418.5 GJ 0.0004185 PJ
432 GJ 0.000432 PJ
445.5 GJ 0.0004455 PJ
459 GJ 0.000459 PJ
472.5 GJ 0.0004725 PJ
486 GJ 0.000486 PJ
499.5 GJ 0.0004995 PJ
513 GJ 0.000513 PJ
526.5 GJ 0.0005265 PJ
540 GJ 0.00054 PJ
553.5 GJ 0.0005535 PJ
567 GJ 0.000567 PJ
580.5 GJ 0.0005805 PJ
594 GJ 0.000594 PJ
607.5 GJ 0.0006075 PJ
621 GJ 0.000621 PJ
634.5 GJ 0.0006345 PJ
648 GJ 0.000648 PJ
661.5 GJ 0.0006615 PJ
675 GJ 0.000675 PJ
688.5 GJ 0.0006885 PJ