Answer. It is SI multiple of the current unit ampere.
Symbol : dA
So 1 deciamps = 0.1 amps.
Example : 10 deciamps = 0.1 x 10 amperes.
Or we can say, 10 dA = 1 A.
Use this Deciamps Conversion Chart to compare 1 deciamps with other electric current measurement units.
0.01 abamps | 0.1 amps |
1.0E+17 attoamps | 0.01 biots |
10 centiamps | 1 deciamps |
0.01 decaamps | 0.12566370542658 gilberts |
0.001 hectoamps | 0.0001 kiloamps |
1.0E-7 megaamps | 100000 microamps |
100 milliamps | 100000000 nanoamps |
100000000000 picoamps | 299401197.60479 statamps |
1.0E-13 teraamps |