Define Yottamho : Yottamho is a unit of conductance and a non-SI multiple of unit siemens often expressed as 1024 siemens .
Answer: 1 yottamho is equal to 1.00E+24 Siemens. Refer to Y℧ to S conversion
Symbol : Y℧
So as we know 1 yottamho = 1024 siemens.
Let us see an Example : 89 yottamho = 1.00E+24 x 89 Siemens.
Or we can say, 89 Y℧ = 8.9E+25 S.
use this chart to compare One yottamho with other conductance units.
1.0E+42 attosiemens | 1.0E+26 centisiemens |
1.0E+23 decasiemens | 1.0E+25 decisiemens |
1000000 exasiemens | 1.0E+39 femtosiemens |
1.0E+15 gigasiemens | 1.0E+22 hectosiemens |
1.0E+24 siemens | 1.0E+21 kilosiemens |
1.0E+18 megasiemens | 1.0E+30 microsiemens |
1.0E+27 millisiemens | 1.0E+33 nanosiemens |
1000000000 petasiemens | 1.0E+36 picosiemens |
1000000000000 terasiemens | 1.0E+48 yoctosiemens |
1 yottasiemens | 1.0E+45 zeptosiemens |
1000 zettasiemens | 1.0E+42 attomho |
1.0E+26 centimho | 1.0E+23 decamho |
1.0E+25 decimho | 1000000 examho |
1.0E+39 femtomho | 1.0E+15 gigamho |
1.0E+22 hectomho | 1.0E+24 mho |
1.0E+21 kilomho | 1.0E+18 megamho |
1.0E+30 micromho | 1.0E+27 millimho |
1.0E+33 nanomho | 1000000000 petamho |
1.0E+36 picomho | 1000000000000 teramho |
1.0E+48 yoctomho | 1 yottamho |
1.0E+45 zeptomho | 1000 zettamho |
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