Millifarad is a unit of capacitance measurement, where 1 millifarad is equal to 0.001 farad. The symbol mF is used to represent it.
The following is a conversion chart to help you compare other units with millifarad:
Unit | Conversion |
Abfarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+6 abF |
Attofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+15 aF |
Centifarad | 1 mF = 0.1 cF |
Decafarad | 1 mF = 0.0001 daF |
Decifarad | 1 mF = 0.01 dF |
Electromagnetic unit | 1 mF = 1.13e+8 emu |
Electrostatic unit | 1 mF = 1.1126500560991984e-13 esu |
Exafarad | 1 mF = 1.0000000000000001e-21 EF |
Farad | 1 mF = 0.001 F |
Femtofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+12 fF |
Gauss | 1 mF = 8.99e+5 G |
Gigafarad | 1 mF = 1e-12 GF |
Hectofarad | 1 mF = 0.00001 hF |
Kilofarad | 1 mF = 0.000001 kF |
Megafarad | 1 mF = 1e-9 MF |
Microfarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+3 µF |
Millifarad | 1 mF = 1 mF |
Nanofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+6 nF |
Petafarad | 1 mF = 1e-18 PF |
Picofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+9 pF |
Statfarad | 1 mF = 1.13e+8 statF |
Terafarad | 1 mF = 1e-15 TF |
Yoctofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+21 yF |
Yottafarad | 1 mF = 1e-27 YF |
Zeptofarad | 1 mF = 1.00e+18 zF |
Zettafarad | 1 mF = 1.0000000000000001e-24 ZF |